Dr. K. Riazunnisa, Principal Investigator, Project Title: “Screening and identification of drought tolerant cultivar of onion (Allium cepa L.) in Kadapa district for varietal development”, Period of the Project: 2013-16 (3 Years), Total Project Outlay: Rs. 24,80,000/-
Dr. K. Riazunnisa, Principal Investigator, Collection of germplasm of onion and screening for salt tolerant germplasm by biochemical studies. Total Project Outlay: Rs. 1,50,000/-
Dr. M. Madakka, Principal Investigator, Project Title: Zinc-Microbe Interactions in the Sediments of Contaminated Thungabadhra river by Industrial Effluents in Kurnool District, A.P. (SR/FT/LS-40/2011), Period of the Project: 2012-15 (3 Years), Total Project Outlay: Rs. 19,95,000/-
Dr. V. Ramakrishna, Principal Investigator, Project Title: “Investigation of neuroprotective agents from Ficus religiosa extracts against oxidative stress induced DNA damage and repair mechanisms in neuroblastoma cells. (SR/SO/HS-0040/2011)” Period of the Project: 2014-18 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: DST-SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs.33,33,000/-
Dr. V. Ramakrishna, Principal Investigator, Project Title: “Obesity enhanced colorectal cancer prevention through Amla bioactive compounds”, Period of Project: 2012-13, Sponsoring Agency: DBT and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 24,00,000/-
Dr. V. Ramakrishna, Principal Investigator, Project Title: “Antibacterial effect of Amla extract against ESBL producing multidrug resistant bacteria”, Period of Project: 2010-12, Sponsoring Agency: Agri-Science Park and Total Project Outlay: Rs.1,50,000/-
Dr. C. Madhava Reddy, Co-Principal Investigator, Project Title: Molecular signaling during thymus involution and its application for the prevention of age associated diseases and cancer. Period of the Project: 2018-21 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: SERB and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 42,17,000/-
Dr. C. Madhava Reddy, Principal Investigator, Project Title: “Molecular mechanism(s) of DNA interstand crosslink recognition and processing by mismatch repair protein in mammalian cells, Period of the Project: 2013-16 (3 Years), Sponsoring Agency: UGC and Total Project Outlay: Rs. 10,56,000/-